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Earth Charmed: Selenite

Named for the moon goddess Selene, selenite is a form of gypsum with a hardness of about two, which is the same as your fingernail. A very fragile stone indeed, you must very careful in handling it, but I can promise you, it is well worth the effort.


Selenite comes in many different forms, the most common colors of its tumbled stone being the salmon pink and translucent white pictures above. Natural forming towers of it can be purchased very cheap, but tend to flake off when handled, so be sure to store them somewhere well out of the way where they won’t get bumped up against often. A glass case would probably be best, but I have a large tower on top of a bookcase in my living room that is happy just where it is.


Selenite can also be found in the form of a beautiful desert rose, as pictured above. It is still very fragile, so again, handle with care, and be very cautious about buying it in jewlery form.

Selenite is an extremely powerful protection stone, more so than quartz to me, but Selene is also one of my major deities of worship, so that may just be me. They also magnify the energies of other stones, just like quartz does. It is said that selenite can be used to ascend to higher planes of consciousness, as well as grant the seeker messages from the Powers if one lays in a crystal grid made of these stones. I don’t own enough selenite to do this with, but I often use my wire-wrapped selenite pendant as a pendulum in divination, and it has been extremely effective for me. Selenite is also used to prevent stagnation, to push one to keep moving forward in life and take risks necessary for ones development. It clears negative energy and is a wonderful stone for the altar and the body, constantly keeping energy moving and promoting a healthy mind and a happy home.