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Earth Charmed: Malachite

In a scatter-brained woman’s attempt to get myself on some sort of writing schedule (what is this planning of which you speak?) I am going to write every weekend a sort of stone profile, witches edition. A stone a week that you can carry, charm, what have you, complete with lovely pictures and magickal properties.

This week is my personal favorite, malachite!

You can purchase your malachite of your very own here

In the land of science, malachite is a copper carbonate. It’s chemistry is Cu2CO3(OH)2 with a  hardness ranging  from 3-1/2 to 4. Crystals are rare. Most gem specimens display distinctive concentric colorbanding; (alternating dark green and light green bands.)

The alternating bands in malachite make it an exquisite piece to behold. Its not hard to see why this became a sacred stone of many native american tribes.

An absolutely stunning piece to behold, malachite is an excellent stone for anyone who falls under an earth stone. It can be a wonderful grounding piece, offering a sense of both inner calm that stops rampant negative thinking, and brings with a sharp determination. It is a fantastic piece for inspiring creativity, as well as a good charm for spells of luck and prosperity.

Keep a piece in your cash register or place of business to inspire cash flow, or keep a piece out on the alter and burn cedar incense to draw prosperity and luck into your life. I find it to be excellent in keeping me focused and creative after a long day of work, and so I tend to carry mine with meconstantly.A word of caution: malachite is a stone of great power, especially enhancement and boosting of. It will intensify whatever energy you’re putting out to the ‘verse, so if you’re feeling a little negative or grouchy, best to stick to something softer, like a jade or quartz, or something uplifting, like a sunstone or calcite.